Specialties of our dentists

Our dental practices in Konstanz and Bietingen are staffed by specialised dentists with different areas of expertise. This enables us to offer you the entire spectrum of modern dentistry professionally and under one roof.

Dental implants are a modern and effective solution for restoring missing teeth. They are made of biocompatible material that is inserted into the jawbone and acts as an artificial tooth root. A customized dental prosthesis, such as a crown or bridge, can then be attached to the implant.

The advantage of dental implants lies in their stability and longevity. They not only offer an aesthetically pleasing solution, but also help to preserve the jawbone structure as they replace the natural tooth root.

Bone augmentation is a surgical procedure that is often necessary before dental implants are placed. It is performed when the jawbone is weakened due to tooth loss or other factors. Procedures such as the use of bone replacement materials or autologous bone are used to restore the bone volume.

The aim of bone augmentation is to create a stable foundation for the implant and thus ensure long-term functionality and aesthetics. Careful planning is crucial for the success of the procedure.

Ceramic implants are a biocompatible alternative to conventional titanium implants and offer an aesthetically pleasing solution for tooth replacement. They are made of high-quality zirconium oxide ceramic, which is not only stable and durable, but also has a natural tooth color.

A major advantage of ceramic implants is their high compatibility, which minimizes the risk of allergies or inflammation. They also promote the health of the surrounding tissue and prevent discoloration of the gums. Ceramic implants are particularly suitable for patients who value aesthetics or are sensitive to metal.

Dental crowns are custom-made coverings that are placed on damaged or severely worn teeth to restore their shape, function and aesthetics. They provide protection for the tooth and strengthen it, especially after root canal treatment or large fillings.

Crowns can be made from various materials, including metal, porcelain or a combination of both. The choice of material depends on the position of the tooth, the esthetic requirements and the patient’s individual situation.

Dental bridges are prosthetic solutions that are used to replace missing teeth. They consist of one or more artificial teeth that are anchored to adjacent natural teeth or implants.

Bridges not only offer an aesthetic improvement, but also help to restore the functionality of the dentition and make chewing and speaking easier. They also prevent the surrounding teeth from shifting and help to preserve the jaw structure.

Implant-supported dentures are a modern solution for replacing missing teeth. They consist of a prosthesis that is anchored to dental implants and offer a stable and secure fit. This type of prosthesis not only improves the aesthetics but also the functionality of the dentition by facilitating chewing and speaking.

Anchoring to implants protects the jawbone and prevents it from deteriorating. Implant-supported dentures are a long-lasting and comfortable option for patients who are looking for a reliable solution for dentures.

A full denture is a complete dental prosthesis that replaces all the teeth in a jaw. It is often used for patients who no longer have any natural teeth due to tooth loss as a result of illness, injury or age-related changes.

Complete dentures consist of an artificial row of teeth that sits on a plastic base and adapts to the gums. They offer an aesthetic solution and improve the functionality of the dentition by making it easier to chew and speak.

Periodontitis is a common disease of the gums that can lead to serious problems if left untreated. Our practice offers comprehensive treatments to reduce inflammation and restore the health of your gums.

We use modern procedures to support tissue regeneration and promote long-term dental health. Healthy gums are crucial for your well-being and your radiant smile. Let’s work together to keep your teeth in top form!

Inflammation of the gums, also known as gingivitis, is a common disease caused by bacterial build-up. Symptoms such as redness, swelling and bleeding when brushing your teeth should be taken seriously.

Early treatment is crucial to avoid more serious problems. Our practice offers personalized therapies to reduce inflammation and strengthen your gums. Take care of your dental health and make an appointment for an examination!

Tooth decay is one of the most common dental diseases and is caused by the breakdown of tooth structure. In our practice, we offer effective caries treatments to repair affected teeth and restore the health of the dentition.

Modern procedures such as fillings or inlays help to keep teeth strong and pain-free. Timely treatment is important to avoid long-term damage.

Deep caries is an advanced form of dental disease in which the damage penetrates to the inside of the tooth. It is often caused by inadequate oral hygiene and can lead to pain and inflammation.

In such cases, comprehensive treatment is required to save the affected tooth. This may include the removal of the decayed tissue and the insertion of fillings or crowns. Early diagnosis is crucial to avoid serious complications and ensure long-term dental health.

Ceramic fillings (inlays) are a high-quality and long-lasting option for restoring damaged or decayed teeth. They are made of ceramic and offer an aesthetically pleasing and functional solution that looks very similar to the natural tooth.

CEREC (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics) is a modern computer-aided procedure for the production of these ceramic fillings.

Plastic fillings, also known as composite fillings, are a popular choice for treating tooth decay. They are made of a tooth-colored material that blends in harmoniously with the natural tooth color and is therefore aesthetically pleasing.

These fillings not only look good, but also offer high strength and durability. They adhere well to tooth enamel and can be used for both small and larger defects. Plastic fillings are an effective solution for restoring the functionality of the tooth while maintaining a beautiful smile.

Dentists call the wafer-thin ceramic shells that give the visible surfaces of your teeth a perfect, flawless appearance “veneers”.

The fine, absolutely natural-looking veneers are individually designed for you in our dental laboratory using high-strength ceramic.

Beauty and a healthy appearance have always been a deep human desire. The mouth and teeth play an important role in this. A radiant smile immediately catches the eye and remains in the memory.

People unconsciously infer the age, social status and general state of health of the other person from the appearance of their teeth. The color of the teeth is a particularly important criterion. The desire of many patients for whiter teeth can be fulfilled by tooth whitening.

Professional dental hygiene is an important part of dental care and plays a key role in maintaining oral health. During this treatment, plaque, tartar and discoloration are thoroughly removed to minimize the risk of tooth decay and periodontitis.

Patients also receive valuable tips on optimal oral care and individual prophylaxis measures. Regular visits for professional dental hygiene not only promote dental health, but also general well-being. A radiant smile and fresh breath are the positive results of careful dental cleaning.

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is a common problem that can occur both during sleep and during the day. It manifests itself through the unconscious rubbing or clenching of the teeth and can have various causes, including stress, anxiety or misalignment of the teeth.

The consequences of teeth grinding can be manifold: In addition to wear and tear on the teeth, jaw problems, headaches and tension in the neck and shoulder area can also occur. Early detection and appropriate measures are important to minimize the negative effects on dental health and general well-being.

Nitrous oxide sedation is a safe and effective method of calming patients during dental treatment. With this form of sedation, a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen is inhaled, resulting in a relaxed and anxiety-free atmosphere. The effect sets in quickly so that patients can remain calm during the procedure without losing consciousness. After the treatment, the effect wears off quickly so that most patients can immediately return to their usual activities. This method is particularly suitable for anxious patients or for treatments that are associated with discomfort.

Fear of the dentist affects many people and can be the result of negative experiences, perceptions of pain or uncertainty. This fear often leads to necessary treatment being delayed. Dentists are aware of these fears and rely on empathetic communication and relaxing measures to create a positive atmosphere and gain the patient’s trust.

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is an unpleasant odor from the mouth that is often caused by bacteria that break down food debris and release sulfur compounds. Causes can include poor oral hygiene, gum disease, dry mouth, certain foods such as garlic and onions, tobacco use and systemic diseases such as diabetes or gastrointestinal problems. Good oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist are key to preventing and treating bad breath.